Sunday, February 27, 2011


 The Market House
"on Main Street (on the right side as you are walking in) is the only place where you can get refills on coffee in the park. The cost is $2.79 per cup AND we found out that this is the only coffee shop in the park that makes a special “Disney Brew” that is top secret and supposed to be really good! We got this info from a Cast Member on November 3rd, so it is recent information. Make sure to keep your receipt."
 I got this info from 
Another fun fact is that if you pop your balloon in the park and take the pieces up to a vendor they will give you a new one! There is nothing worse than popping or watching your balloon float away when you are a kid.

Mouse Wait is a Free app for your iphones, it gives you wait times for the rides and other info about the park when you visit.

1 comment:

Bry said...

awesome! coffee is always a must after the sun goes down